Josh A Josh A

How Framing Donations Drives More Support

How can small psychological nudges inspire more donations to the arts? Behavioral science reveals that framing donation appeals around loss aversion, gain motivation, and perceived value can significantly impact giving behavior.

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Josh A Josh A

Hidden Fees, Hidden Risks — Balancing Transparency and Revenue

Why do some customers balk at ticket fees while others barely notice? The answer lies in how prices are presented. In this post, we explore the psychology behind ticket pricing, including the use of Partitioned Pricing (PP) versus All-Inclusive Pricing (AIP), and why transparency and fairness matter more than ever.

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Josh A Josh A

How Does Weather Effect Sales for Outdoor Events?

Did you know that sunny weather can influence customers to buy tickets for outdoor events, even if the sunshine has nothing to do with the actual event date? Psychological biases like projection bias and extrapolative expectations drive ticket sales, often leading to regretful purchases when the weather doesn't cooperate.

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Josh A Josh A

The Power of Social Status on Individual Giving

What makes people more likely to give, and how can organizations inspire larger contributions? Researchers explored this question by testing six different fundraising strategies—ranging from neutral thank-you gifts to public recognition. The standout result? Gifts that publicly signal a donor’s generosity were the most effective at driving donations.

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Josh A Josh A

The Surprising Ways Pricing Tiers Shape Buying Decisions

A groundbreaking study explores how price tiers and psychological behaviors influence ticket purchasing decisions. From early buyers prioritizing premium seats to last-minute shoppers driven by discounts, the research highlights key consumer patterns and biases.

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Josh A Josh A

How Digital Opera Inspires Live Audiences

Discover how opera streaming platforms are transforming audience engagement. By blending emotional connection, curiosity, and convenience, digital experiences are inspiring new generations to explore live performances. Arts organizations can harness these insights to bridge the gap between screen and stage.

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